Mijas - CAC Mijas
Address: Calle Málaga, 28, 29650 Mijas, Málaga
Opening hours: From 10´30 AM to 2 PM - From Monday To Saturday
Tickets: 3 €
Telephone: 952590442
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web: http://www.cacmijas.info
The new Contemporary Art Centre in Mijas have more than 400 pieces of art from some of the first class artists such as: Pablo Ruiz Picasso, Salvador Dalí, George Braque, Tsuguharu Foujita, etc… that belong to the private collection of RMC (Remedios Medina Collection) that the managing company Spanish Art Brokers has placed to the disposal of the Art Centre.
Most of the collection is made up with works of Pablo Ruiz Picasso of different techniques: lithographs, linocuts, prints, sculptures, ceramics, etc…with a total of 130 works of art. Amongst these we must highlight the magnificent collection of ceramics, considered the second best in the world, which we will be able to admire in the exhibition halls of the Art Centre.
Another important part of the collection is that by Salvador Dalí; different techniques and different periods of the creative life of the artist. His collection adds up to 125 works of art.
The rest of the collection, apart from the works carried out by contemporary artists such as Pablo Picasso; also have an important part made up of different techniques of painters from the XIX century, professors and painters that influenced the Málaga artist genius like: Antonio Muñoz Degrain, Jose Moreno Carbonero, Joaquin Martinez de la Vega, Jose Denis Belgrano… amongst others.
Part of this collection has been exhibited numerous amounts of times, in Spain as well as in other countries. The last exhibition was held from March to May in 2012 in the University of San Antonio in Texas of the United States of America under the name of “Picasso, friends and contemporary artists in San Antonio”. This exhibition had 97 works of art of which 70 were of Pablo Ruiz Picasso, 5 of Salvador Dali and the rest of the professors and contemporary painters of Picasso. The exhibition was a total success due to the amount of visitors as that of the amazing repercussion of the media. Soon, part of this collection will travel to different cities in Canada and at the beginning of next year it will return to the United States of America.
The Contemporary Art Centre of Mijas have two types of exhibitions: a permanent exhibition, where fundamentally are art work of Pablo Ruiz Picasso and Salvador Dalí, a total of 70 pieces which are on permanent exhibition throughout the whole year, except some of the works that will be substituted temporarily whilst they are being restored. The temporary exhibitions that will last specific lengths of time are of the rest of artists or professors that had a great influence on the creative process of Picasso or Dalí.
This centre is an important tourist attraction and a cultural reference to our municipality; which is considered the 4th best considered destiny in Andalucía. Taking advantage of our proximity to the city of Málaga, the second most important cruising port of Spain, to which we can benefit from the amount of tourist that arrive by ship to the capital of the Costa del Sol; people that come to have fun and enjoy our cultural patrimony.
Our centre carry out free workshops with school children, with the aim to bring them closer to the great masters and their creations. Periodical series of conferences and talks will be organised about art and culture for those that are interested in these subjects.