According to the Department for Tourism, the city is one of the most popular destinations in Malaga during the month of October
Published: 13th October 2023
The first deputy mayor and councillor for Tourism in the MijasTown Hall, José Carlos Martín (Cs), announced on Wednesday 11th that hotel occupancy forecasts for Mijas during the ‘Puente de la Hispanidad’ (Columbus Day) ‘Puente’ (long weekend) are the highest in the province, standing at 95 percent.
“Tourists have chosen our destination as the most attractive in the province for these holidays, so we are proud to continue to lead the first positions regarding tourism on the Costa del Sol, especially now that the high season has ended”, said the councillor, who added that “the work carried out to put an end to seasonality with regard to the golf segment is paying off, as well as the promotion that is done throughout the year of the entire offer of the municipality of Mijas in the most important tourism fairs in the world”.
The Association of Hoteliers of the Costa del Sol (Aehcos) has also released its hotel occupancy forecasts for the Columbus Day long weekend.
According to the association, the province of Malaga will reach 88.9 percent occupancy on the 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th of October, so Mijas would be 6 points above the average. “In addition to the data we already have, it is feasible to even exceed the figures, as the good weather can contribute to last minute bookings”, added the first deputy mayor.
“The Columbus Day long weekend or ‘puente’ is presented as a great opportunity for our sector in a month considered low season”, said José Luque, president of Aehcos, in a statement, insisting that “not only the importance of international tourism, which at this time is around 70 percent, but the boost that this bridge can give us in the face of domestic tourists.
Record-breaking summer
Mijas has broken records this summer, with August being the month with the highest hotel occupancy in the history of the municipality, exceeding 91.59 per cent.
“This year 2023 is being a very productive year for our municipality and we will continue to work hard to maintain these numbers, as the tourism industry is a great source of income for our economy and an important engine for the creation of employment”, concluded the first deputy mayor.
Source: Mijas Comunicación S.A.