The Town Hall and the Mijas Golf Courses Association go hand in hand to promote golf in the town at this fair that will take place in th ecity of Lisbon (Portugal)
Published: 13th October 2023
On Monday 16th one of the most important golf fairs in the world will start in Lisbon and Mijas will be present. It is the IGTM Lisbon 2023 (International Golf Travel Market), which will last until Thursday 19th. “Mijas is going to travel there to promote our municipality, the wonderful golf courses we have, betting on this important segment”, said the councillor for Tourism, José Carlos Martín (Cs). The IGTM is the big golf superstore where scheduled meetings between golf destinations, resorts, golf courses, specialised travel agencies and tour operators are offered. “We want the tourists, companies and tour operators that we will meet in Lisbon, where we have a full agenda of business meetings, to get to know the municipality, to pass on our attractions to their clients and for Mijas to continue receiving tourists in this important period once the sun and beach season is over, as we are trying to break the seasonality”. The IGTM is an opportunity to negotiate with pre-qualified golf travel clients, discover golf- related products and gain international recognition in leading publications. “We are working hand in hand with the Mijas Golf Courses Association to seek synergies and carry out collaboration agreements to continue promotin Mijas in the institutional sphere and, on the other hand, in the private sector”, added councillor Martín.
Source: Mijas Comunicación S.A.