The acknowledgement comes after the mayoress of the municipality, Ana Mata, undertook to initiate the procedures to obtain it

Published: 20th December 2024

The ‘Certamen de Pastorales Villa de Mijas’, one of the most important events in the province and a pioneer in the celebration of this type of group gatherings, has been declared by the Malaga Provincial Council as a Festival of Tourist Provincial Singularity.

The event is held every December in the Plaza Virgen de la Peña and brings together groups not only from the municipality but also from different parts of Andalusia. The Town Hall stressed on Wednesday 18th that the interest it arouses throughout the province and Andalusia means that many groups want to participate in this unique event every year. The mayoress of Mijas, Ana Mata (PP), expressed her satisfaction for this acknowledgement “which is a source of pride for all of us who love Mijas, but especially for our ‘pastorales’”.

Municipal sources recalled that the acknowledgement comes after the mayoress announced her intention to initiate the procedures to obtain this distinction, something that has been a reality since Wednesday morning, the 18th.

For his part, Francisco Salado, president of the supra-municipal institution, stressed that it is “a festival of extraordinary character, which stands out from the ordinary and is elevated to a category that deserves to be highlighted and discovered by citizens who do not yet know about it”.

The announcement comes just a few days before the XXXIX edition of the festival, which this year will take place on December 22nd, starting at 12:00 noon, in the aforementioned Plaza Virgen de la Peña. It should be remembered that Mijas has a total of five ‘pastorales’ and that they are a benchmark. The day will be enlivened by a total of 15 ‘pastorales’, including the five from Mijas. “We congratulate all the ‘pastorales’ and invite the Mijeños and those who visit us to come to the Plaza Virgen de la Peña this Sunday 22nd to enjoy this event”, said the councillor for Festivities and Traditions of the Mijas Town Hall, Silvia Marín (PP).


Source: Mijas Comunicación S.A.